Maria Covalciuc
Education: International Relations and European Studies, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Romania.
Foreign languages (English, German), State University of Moldova.
Maria Covalciuc has been active in the non-governmental sector since 2017, coordinating projects in the field of public procurement monitoring, good governance, civil society empowerment, funded by National Endowment for Democracy, European Union, GIZ Moldova, Freedom House, Kingdom Embassy of the Netherlands, Open Contracting Partnership , Open Government Partnership Europe, Transitions Online.
Areas of expertise: project management, civil society, public procurement, advocacy and training, transparency and open government data, good governance and democracy, monitoring and evaluation of public procurement strategies and policies, etc.
Speaks fluently: English, Russian, Romanian (native)
Contact details:
Olga Diaconu
Olga has a Law degree. She participated in the John Smith Trust Fellowship International Programs in the UK and the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility in 2017. In these programs, she has benefited from the exchange of relevant experience in the areas of good governance, the rule of law and social justice. Since 2019, Olga has been the project coordinator for the “Public Money is My Money!” Project, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy and “Be the Change: Involved Citizens, Sustainable Communities,” funded by the European Union through GIZ.
Areas of expertise: legal, democracy and good governance, project management, monitoring of public procurement, capacity building for civil society organizations, etc.
Speaks fluently: English, Russian, Romanian (native)
Contact details:
Silvia Dujii
Manager financiar și contabil
Studii de licență în Contabilitate şi Informatică Economică
Masterat în Audit şi expertiză financiară
Silvia deține funcția de manager financiar și contabil din anul 2015, fiind implicată în gestionarea financiară a peste 10 proiecte finanțate de National Endowment for Democracy, Uniunea Europeană, GIZ Moldova, Freedom House, Ambasada Regatului Țărilor de Jos, Open Contracting Partnership, Open Government Partnership Europe, Transitions Online.
Anterior a activat în funcția de contabil în cadrul unei companii comerciale prestatoare de servicii contabile și de audit.
Date de contact:
Vorbeste fluent limbile: Engleza, Româna, Rusa