About Us
Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance (alias Asociatia pentru Guvernare Eficienta si Responsabila), is the full name for AGER, which means BRIGHT, in Romanian language. And this is what we are: bright, motivated, dedicated, and innovative. AGER is a public association whose main aim is to promote good governance overall through consultancy and policy reform in public administration. The organization is dedicated to promoting positive change at all levels of governance through direct support for central and local public administration, monitoring&advocacy projects, as well as cooperation with citizens and raising awareness on transparency and accountability issues. AGER’s main aim is to promote reforms which target the creation and the strenghtening of a state based on the rule of law, respect for people’s fundamental rights and freedoms, where Governance is Efficient, Transparent, Responsible, works in the public service and benefits all citizens of the Republic of Moldova.
AGER’s main activities are:
- Producing studies, research, analytic work in the view of promoting the rule of law, a governance which is efficient and transparent;
- Assisting the public authorities for efficient implementation of reforms;
- Designing, implementing projects at local, national and international levels, aimed at developing Moldova’s socio-economic and human potential;
- Cooperation with national and international organizations in the view of implementing national, regional and international projects and learn from the good practices and experience of other states in advancing the reform’ agenda.
- Public Administration Reform;
- Justice and Home Affairs;
- Decentralization and local development;
- Anti-corruption, trasparency and accountability in the public sector;
- Public procurement;
- Economic development, SME;
- Strategic planning, project management, PR;
- Efficiency– we design projects which are relevant to the democratization agenda and implement them efficiently;
- Objectivity – we are a young team which places value in every action, and we therefore can only be independent, impartial and objective;
- Transparency – all information regarding our activities, the way these are implemented and sources of funding are made public;
- Quality, punctuality and respect –we dedicate time, energy and spirit for everything we do and this is how we obtain high quality products.
And because we bear respect towards other persons and their time, we always have an accurate and punctual approach.