Mobilizing Civil Society to Support Judicial Integrity in the Republic of Moldova

Implementation time: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2017

Budget: 49,140 USD

Donor: Freedom House (via a grant from US State Department)

Summary: Freedom House, as main applicant, implemented a wider15-month program to engage civil society in promoting justice sector reform, educate the public about past reforms and future opportunities, and create avenues for civil society and the public to galvanize the government and politicians in debates about future justice sector reform for Moldova. One of the program’s components, which was implemented by AGER, referred to mobilizing young people to participate in justice reform through offering small grants through a competition, whereby they would implement various activities. Another component, also implemented by AGER, was to generate ideas for justice sector reform through organizing a series of hackathons (Just Hack 1 and Just Hack 2), where young lawyers, students and IT professionals worked side by side to generate ideas on improving citizens’ access to justice.