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AGER and Promo-LEX continue the Training of Monitors within the Civic Monitoring Mission for the Implementation of the Justice Sector Reform in Moldova

On March 16-17, 2013, a second Monitoring Training was conducted within Civic Monitoring Mission for the implementation of the Justice Sector Reform in Moldova. The event took place within the project “Increasing Government Accountability by Monitoring the Justice Sector Reform”, implemented by the Promo-LEX Association in partnership with the Association for Effective and Responsible Governance, and funded by the European Union. The purpose of the training was to build the capacity of the civil society to monitor the justice sector reform and increase public interest for this reform.

The first part of the training was dedicated to assessing the first months of the Civic Monitoring Mission work, and, respectively, monitors’ impressions from the observed court hearings and of the quality of reporting forms. Recall that one of the components of the monitoring effort focuses on monitoring court hearings at a national level. Monitors discussed the difficulties faced in the process of trial monitoring. In this respect, monitors noted the reluctance of some trial participants to the attendance of uninterested third parties, obstacles encountered in certain courts of law, as well as immediate changes in the behavior of certain parties in the monitored trials. During the training, some adjustments were made to the reporting forms so as to clarify some of their aspects and to facilitate their processing by the core team of the Monitoring Mission.

The second part of the training focused primarily on Monitoring the implementation of specific activities comprised in the Justice Sector Reform Strategy. In particular, the participants discussed and analyzed the actions of the Action Plan, which were due to expire in the fourth quarter of 2012 and in the first quarter of 2013, and  which, in accordance with the monitoring methodology, were to be checked both at the central and local levels (on the ground). Also analyzed was a model reporting form proposed by the team of experts for use by monitors in the field.

At the end of training, the monitors were instructed on the technical methods of processing information applied by the core team, and on the new reporting mechanisms established within the network.

Thus, overall, during the training, the monitors were trained on monitoring tools, their application in the field, as well as on reporting and internal network communication.